Many of us are asking how our church can help Ukraine. On the forgiving challenge day 10 we were encouraged to help the widows and orphans. With this in mind, here are three ways you can help refugees from Ukraine.
Give to the Life Lutheran Church in Old Westbury. The Pastor, Justin Vetrano and his Romanian-born wife have been in Romania helping refugees at the Ukraine border. They have set up a fund to get help where it is needed using contacts there. To give to this fund, go here read the latest update from Pastor Vetrano go here…
Secondly the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod is sending help using their many contacts with churches in Ukraine and neighboring countries. To send money to them, go here
Thirdly, Lutheran World Relief is on the ground there helping to bring aid. To give to them, go here…There are many places to give; please give where you feel the most comfortable. We cannot do everything but we can offer up what we have to Christ and do something.